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Tourism Administration launches ‘Taiwan Pass’

The “Taiwan Pass,” a limited-edition round-the-island travel package priced at NT$2,800 for two passengers, was introduced by the Tourism Administration on Monday. According to the agency, the package, which combines services provided by Taiwan Railway Corp. with local metro systems and tourist buses, will be available until September 30. Taiwan Pass allows travellers, either alone…

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Tourism Ministry sees potential in reviving cruise tourism in Sandakan, Dewan Rakyat hears.

KUALA LUMPUR: According to Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, there is potential to revitalize the cruise tourism industry in Sandakan, Sabah. He stated during Ministers’ Question Time in Parliament on Wednesday, July 3, that early assessments found that Sandakan Port can be made popular to attract tourists, particularly from Europe, with eco-tourism and wildlife the…

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WestJet Airlines strike set to continue

The president of the union believes that the WestJet Airlines mechanics’ walkout, which resulted in hundreds of cancelled flights over Canada’s long weekend, will not stop until an agreement is reached. The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association President, Bret Oestreich, reported that a mediator was involved when the two parties met again on Sunday. The union,…

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Brahim’s Food Services serving 35 airlines

KUALA LUMPUR: To increase its market share in the worldwide aviation catering industry, Brahim’s Food Services Sdn Bhd is now providing halal in-flight catering services to 35 international airlines, including seven of the top carriers worldwide. Qatar Airways, Emirates, Cathay Pacific Airways, Japan Airlines, Turkish Airlines, and EVA Air are among the airlines. According to…

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Malaysia Inbound Tourism Association introduces AI-powered digital media rooms for travel agents and travellers.

Recently, Instant Exhibition Sdn Bhd and the Malaysia Inbound Tourism Association (MITA) signed a term agreement. The goal of this partnership is to provide secure digital media rooms powered by KROOM, meeting the demands of travellers and travel agencies by supplying pertinent real-time services. “We are excited to introduce a revolutionary new era of post-cookies…

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While Malaysia is a popular destination for medical tourists, here’s how we compete with our neighbours

In Malaysia, medical tourism and health tourism are not new concepts. It forms a substantial component of our economy. The Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) hopes to make RM2.4 billion from the health tourism industry by 2024, according to an article published in The Star. An estimated RM9.6 billion in economic spillover to other industries…

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