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Tourism Administration launches ‘Taiwan Pass’

The “Taiwan Pass,” a limited-edition round-the-island travel package priced at NT$2,800 for two passengers, was introduced by the Tourism Administration on Monday. According to the agency, the package, which combines services provided by Taiwan Railway Corp. with local metro systems and tourist buses, will be available until September 30. Taiwan Pass allows travellers, either alone…

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Thailand is the tourism leader in the Greater Mekong Subregion, with over 95 million visitors expected by 2025.

Thailand, a major tourist destination in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), is bringing together executives from more than 15 agencies to foster collaboration. By 2025, they hope to have over 95 million foreign visitors in the GMS, indicating a significant commitment to local travel. The Tourism Authority of Thailand and the Ministry of Tourism and…

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Trip.com Highlights: From Ancient Marvels to Modern Innovations International Museum Day: Current Trends in Museums.

Museums can stop time. As they meander among these homages to the past, visitors find themselves transported across time, from speculating about the lives of our ancient ancestors to marveling at the vivid inventiveness of modern artists and foreseeing future advancements. This International Museum Day on May 18, Trip.com, a top one-stop travel agency, reveals…

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